
4 Benefits of Using Climate-Controlled Units for Long-term Storage


Deciding whether or not you need a climate-controlled self-storage unit depends on what you'll be storing and for what duration. This will also determine whether you need enhanced humidity control in addition to temperature control. While more expensive than basic storage, climate-controlled units are ideal for protecting certain valuables. Read on to learn more about these units. 1. Temperature protection In your own home, you're available to control the ambient temperature according to external conditions, but this isn't a luxury you'll have in a long-term storage unit.

6 December 2017

Save Time by Filling Your Storage Unit the Smart Way


Self-storage units are a necessary part of life for many people unless they're seriously downsizing and getting rid of most of their possessions. They can be particularly useful when you're moving house, as it allows you to transport items in stages thanks to having an intermediate place to keep them. It also lets you unpack and sort the essentials in your new house first, before going back for everything else later.

25 October 2017

In Between The Lines When It Comes To Self-Storage


Space is crucial be it in our personal or business lives. Self-storage is one way to ensure you can get access to as much space as you can and possibly get away from home for a fee of course. The plan lasts a month long giving you time to revoke if you want to. There is also a longer plan depending on the company you choose for self-storage. There are various advantages for choosing self-storage.

19 September 2017

Significant attributes of ideal storage lockers


Storage lockers are increasingly finding indispensable use in today's society. In them, individuals may conveniently and safely keep their personal items, essential equipment and even valuables. Gyms, learning institutions, libraries, airports and even ships are some places where storage lockers can be installed to serve clients, students or even random users. If you are thinking of introducing storage lockers in your institution, here are important features and options to deliberate upon.

6 September 2017

Moving Your New Family into a New Home – Smart Tips for a Stress-Free Move with Your Baby


Moving is stressful enough, but moving with a brand-new baby in tow can be downright daunting. If you are starting a new family and moving into a new home, you have a lot of hard work ahead of you, and the sooner you get started the better. Organization is the key to a (relatively) stress-free move with a new baby, so advance planning will be more important than ever before. Start by marking the date of the move on your calendar, then work backwards from there.

5 September 2017

Can You Securely Put Large Appliances In Self Storage?


A category of items that would be difficult to juggle when embarking on a relocation would be large home appliances. The reason for this is big-ticket items such as your oven, washing machine, fridge and more are prone to becoming damaged when being moved about due to how bulky they are and the numerous moving parts they come with. Therefore, it is crucial to know what measures to take to secure these items, especially if you will be putting them into self storage before you are settled in your new residence.

31 August 2017

Your Complete Water Tank Maintenance Checklist


According to the State of the Land Report 2016, Australian lot sizes are becoming smaller with time, meaning that homeowners have to get creative about their water storage options. This is why slimline tanks have become very popular for residential rainwater harvesting. They can fit well into narrow lots, especially since most councils have regulations dictating allowable distance between a water storage tank and the property boundary. You can get slimline tanks in many sizes depending on your budget and water storage needs, and these tanks provide good quality water that can be redirected to replace your non-potable water needs.

29 August 2017

Moving Home? Storage Isn't Just Useful For Downsizing


If you were moving from a large property to a smaller one, there's a good chance you'd consider renting storage so you had somewhere to keep your excess possessions until you could work out what to do with them. It makes sense — you don't have to throw anything away immediately, and you can spend more time dealing with the essentials. But storage can also be extremely useful when you're moving to a home the same size as your current one, or even a considerably bigger property.

29 August 2017