Three Red Flags To Look Out For In Your Cool Room This Summer


Cool rooms are important to many businesses, especially in a country that gets as hot as Australia does. With summer starting to really heat up, it is not unusual to worry about whether your cool rooms are working as well as they should. If they aren't, not only can it be costly for your current items that are stored in it, but also for the delay of the impending goods, as well as the much more expensive repairs that come from a full-blown meltdown. Instead, stay on top of the warning signs and call for cool room repairs as soon as you notice any of the following.

Electricity Bill Skyrocketing

When machines are not working efficiently they will generally use more power than they need, and this will reflect itself in your power bill. While it may not be so bad at first, it only takes a few weeks or months for a slight increase to jump to a major uptick. As soon as you notice an increase of this nature in your power bill, you should be suspicious of your cool room. It can take a lot of energy to keep them at certain temperatures, and if there is a leak or a faulty component, then this will increase your overhead by an untenable amount.

Rattling Noises

While it may not seem like a very conspicuous sign, often the first you will know of a problem with your cool room is a change in the noise as it runs. You should know your cool room pretty well after all the time you spend loading items in and out of it. If you think that you hear a change in the cooling system, then it probably isn't just in your head. Cool room repair services specialise in stopping small problems before they get big. A loose wire or coil is a lot less damaging than one that is freely flying about the internals of your cool room.

Dripping Liquid

If you notice any sort of coolant or build-up of water in your cool room, then the first thing you should do is put a bucket or container underneath to collect it, and then call for cool room repairs as soon as you can. Leaking fluids poses two risks: both to the viability of your cool room as well as the actual produce or items inside it. Water and liquids are very good at speeding up the decay and rotting of all things, so keeping the cool room dry as well is key.

For more information, reach out to a cool room repair service today.


11 December 2020

How to Store Vintage Clothes

Hey! Welcome to my blog. I'm Victoria and I run an online vintage clothing store. It started out as a pretty small thing that I just did at weekends but as the business grew so did the amount of stock I was buying to sell. At first, I was just using my mom's garage to store boxes of things but soon my dad started to complain. Eventually, I decided to hire a storage unit. I asked my uncle who has his own self-storage unit for advice and he was able to make sure I got a great deal. I hope you enjoy my blog!